Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Golden Rule

"Do to others as you would have them do to you. Unless they need money for food and rent. Then make them pass a urine drug screen first." --Jesus (Luke 6:31, GOP version)

I earned my money. All of it. That's how economics operates. By definition, the value of my work as a marketing consultant is exactly represented by my income and benefits. And this in turn exactly equals my societal value. My stay-at-home wife's societal value is then exactly represented by the portion of my income that I choose to spend on her. And likewise for my children.

So what is the value of someone with no income? Simple math people. Zero. People on welfare have no value to society, by definition. I don't make the rules, people. God does. And Adam Smith.

And yet we have a complicated, bureaucratic system for wresting my hard earned money from my hands (or my bank account, which is more of a numerical abstraction stored by electric charge on a machine, or maybe a network of machines? I don't know, I'm not an electrical engineer. What do you want from me?), in order to give it to lazy people with no jobs. I don't sit in my corner office every day visualizing branding strategies and drinking Scotch so that some welfare queen with her seven welfare queen babies can live high on the hog. But that $10 a day comes from the government extortion fees paid by real Americans like me.

Fine, if that's the way it has to be.. But I at least demand that my brutally earned tax dollars not go to supporting the dirty crack habit of shiftless lazy welfare scammers just so they can feel awesome all day with their awesome crack. And buy crack instead of feeding their welfare-loving offspring that I'm also paying for. Crack.

Which is why I demand the right to make people urinate in small plastic cups, before I bestow upon them a tiny fraction of my riches. If they won't submit to a degrading chemical test of their bodily fluids, then how will I know that my money is being well spent? And how will I feel like the god that I am, supporting valueless people out of the goodness of my taxes, if I can't make people jump through weird hoops to get food? Jesus was totally right.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Living in America is a privilege reserved exclusively for those who enthusiastically support all actions taken by our glorious nation (except those supported by our un-American socialist covert Muslim "president"). If you don't like things here, the saying goes, then you can just geeettttt ouuutttt.

This is especially true for all you assholes out there leaching off of the rest of us economically. Do you think the world just hands you whatever you want? Not me. I worked for everything I have. Since infancy, I have battled all obstacles on my own, with no help from my parents (or their country club).

I achieved a 2.7 GPA in my well-funded public school through my own hard work, just like any other hard-working American can. I sweated and slaved to get my interdisciplinary studies degree, and when I got arrested for drunk driving and involuntary manslaughter, I didn't complain. No. I borrowed $40,000 from my parents to hire a kick-ass lawyer and keep myself out of jail so that I could complete my education, instead of just giving up and going to prison like a lazy asshole. Now that I have a job as a marketing consultant for my dad's company, I can pay back the loan with interest and still hit the links every weekend, with the satisfaction of giving back to society by planning parties for my company's board of trustees to meet with lobbyists and congressmen.

That's right, I'm a valuable member of society, and I got here all on my own. If you don't have my sweet 20,000W sound system and my 70 inch flat screen, it's not on me. Take a hard look in the mirror, put your nose to the grindstone, and climb the ladder. Or you can just keep whining, and hoping for a handout. Fucking leaches.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Welcome to My World!

The internet is rife with liberal criticism and opinions. Just look around you. Everything is biased in favor of hippies and minorities. What room is there for the god-fearing silent majority of St. Reagan's times, the beautiful 1980s? Here on this blog, you will find a safe space for the righteous anger of the truly oppressed: people who cannot exercise their freedom of expression at work for fear of the PC police. Welcome home, friends.